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Guadalupe NETTEL

Born in 1973 in Mexico, Guadalupe Nettel spent her youth between Mexico and France. She completed her PhD in Linguistics at EHESS in Paris. She is the author of international bestsellers including "El huésped" (2006), "The Body Where I was Born" (2011), "After the Winter" (2014, Herralde Novel Award) and "La hija única" (2020, 2023 International Booker Prize Shortlist). She also has three short story collections: "Les jours fossils" (2002), "Pétalos y otras historias incómodas" (2008), and "Natural Histories" (2013, Ribera del Duero Award). In 2008, she was recognized by the Hay Festival as one of Latin America's promising authors.

Her works have been translated into more than ten languages and published in outlets such as Granta, The White Review, El País, The New York Times, La Repubblica, and La Stampa. She currently resides in Mexico City and serves as the editor of the "Revista de la Universidad de México" magazine.

Guadalupe NETTEL
Here and Now!
Guadalupe NETTEL Works
Guadalupe NETTEL Works